The president of Velatia stressed the importance of industry together with other personalities from the business world during the “Alumni Day,” held by the Deusto Business Alumni community in Madrid
The internationalisation award was presented at the 26th Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award ceremony EY Spain has recognized the work of the President of Velatia, Javier Ormazabal
The award, presented by Ernst & Young, aims to highlight those entrepreneurs who contribute to generating wealth and employment in their environmen In addition, Javier Ormazabal will compete, along with
The president of Velatia stressed the importance of innovation processes and methodology during the round table Process innovation, key to sustainable competitiveness, organised by Euskalit Javier Ormazabal, president of
The President of Velatia reviewed current events on the energy transition at the round table “Energy transition in times of uncertainty”, organised by Cinco Días On 30 May, Javier Ormazabal,
The award, corresponding to the 2020 edition that could not be held due to the COVID-19 emergency, was collected in person by Javier Ormazabal during the 11th edition of the
The President of Velatia, who attended the opening ceremony of this centre as a representative of the industrial companies collaborating with the GSGIH, highlighted the fundamental role of this
The President of Velatia highlighted Velatia’s commitment to innovation and the long term during the conference on “The Age of Complexity”, organised by Deusto Business Alumni On 16 June, Velatia
The visit took place after a meeting with the employer organisation Confebask and allowed the Minister to get to know Ormazabal’s Research and Technology Centre, which has a Demonstration
The President of Velatia participated in a roundtable debate during Global Innovation Day 2020, organised by Innobasque and opened with a speech given by Iñigo Urkullu, President of the Basque