The UK Smart Cities Index, an expermiental study sponsored by Huawei and executed by Navigant Consulting, has stablished a top ten of the most intelligent cities of the United Kingdom
Huawei UK, the chinese telecomunications company, has created a ranking called “UK Smart Cities Index“, a clasification of the most intelligent british cities. This classification, that is based in a detailed study of how each city uses the technology for the development of the public services (education, transport, social assistance…), has ranked London as the most intelligent city of the United Kingdom with a 80.5 points score. By the other side, London, as the audit evaluates, has to drive technical inovation, invest in education and training and also invest in the city´s data infrastructure.
Bristol, one of the most important cities of the british southwest, is the second classified with a puntuation so close to London: 80.2 points. Looking to the evaluation, the telecommunications is the pending subject of this city, that has the strategy as its strength.
Top ten of the most intelligent cities of the United Kingdom:
Check out the complete study clicking here