Do you know what´s that Energy Efficiency Platform? Let´s take a look on it
The JRC, along with the main policy DGs, launches today, in Brussels, the platform destined to propose priority sectors in which significant energy efficiency gains can be reaped with the objetive of ensuring the necessary regulatory and financial efforts are implemented to address the challenges faced by the European economies in terms of jobs, growth, fairness and democratic change
The energy efficiency, that has become one of the main goals of the European 2030 Strategy, looking for, at least, a 27% of improving energy efficiency, has today a stated date with the launch of the Energy Efficiency Platform (E3P), that will focus the strategy in the energy efficiency framework.
Where does this come from?
In October´s 2014, the European Council, posted the conclusions of 24th October 2014 plenary, highlighting the 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework. A document that collects the next stepts to be taken in fields like: GHG emissions reduction target, renewables and energy efficiency, a connected internal energy market, energy security.
Take a look to the Concept Paper