The summit, that will be celebrated in The International Centre in Toronto, will gather the main experts of Smart Cities during two days
During two days Toronto will be the hotpoint of Smart Cities thanks to the Smart Cities World Forum, that will be celebrated from the 7th to the 8th in The International Centre of the city. The event, that will combine expert conferences with different workshops and activities, has the aim on “educating people towards smart cities and urban planning techologies, strive for innovation ,promote business and connect thousands of smart city experts from around the globe”, as they announce on their website.
Conference Topics
During the conference, some trendy issues like Smart Grids, Smart Agriculture, Smart Transportation, Industrial IoT, Smart & Green Buildings, Smart Health, Smart PAyments, Smart Governance/E-Government, Smart Weareables, Smart Lighting, Smart Water, Blockchain, Cyber Security, Renewable Energy or Autonomous Vehiclues will be the discussed in different workshops and talks.

These workshops, that will be focused in the problem that suposses that the major source of carbon are the cities, will try to face how to reduce these emissions with smart concepts. Furthermore, the attendees of the smart cities workshops, will “get awareness of how to design city business models to achieve reduced power consumption and high energy savings”, announces the organization.