Moscow has published a 1.3 GW wind power and 430 MW solar power renewable energy tender by 2021
New investment opportunities are appearing in the Russian Federation. Putin´s government announced, the past month, that new renewable energy tenders will happen during the next years in two big bid openings. Moscow, that actually generates the 17% of its energy by renewable resources, has the aim on increasing the green energy by a new strategy published on the official website of the ATS (Russian Administrator for Electricity Trading System) the last March 10th, 2017.
The roadmap, that can be consulted in the website, clarifies that wind power projects will be selected during the competition: for 2018 – with a total capacity of 250 MW, for 2019 – 300 MW, for 2020 – 240 MW and for 2021 – 500 MW. The results of the selection, that stills open, will be shown by June June 30th 2017.
In addition to the wind power projects, Russia will also select companies for solar power projects with a total capacity of 270 MW, in 2020 and 162.6 MW, in 2021. Furthermore, hydro power projects will be launched, looking for a 109.2 MW and 35.6 MW implementation for 2020 and 2021 respectively.
The selection will be carried out in two stages: the first stage from May 29th to June 2nd 2017, the second stage from June 5th to June 9th 2017.
How to take part in the selection?
The information to take part in this competitive tender was published on the official website of the ATS on March. The application for participation, that must be signed with electronic signature and sent to the ATS in electronic form, is established by the Regulations on selection of renewable energy sources projects, in the framework of the Russian wholesale market trading system.