The past week, the ceremony for the Smart Cities awards, given yearly by the Premios Ciudadanos association, took place at the Madrid headquarters of the State Secretariat for the Information Society and the Digital Agenda
Alejandro Ormazabal, Velatia Vice President, was charged with collecting the prize that the jury awarded Ikusi (Smart Cities Award) “in acknowledgment for its track record in innovative technological projects implemented to respond to the needs of cities and their residents, optimizing personal mobility through a stake in the integration, interoperativity and interconnection of the different modes of land transport”.
In his speech, Alejandro Ormazabal pointed out that “technological companies such as Ikusi are placing solutions to respond to the problems of urban mobility at the disposal of managers. We have been many years developing and implementing technological solutions for mobility, making it possible to optimize transport system planning and operation” the Velatia Vice President affirmed. “These solutions make it possible to save energy, reduce emissions, accidents, travel time… And in this way, they contribute to promoting economic development, efficiently ensuring personal mobility and increasing the citizens’ quality of life”.
Awarded along with Ikusi were the provincial governments of Gipuzkoa, Seville and Soria, the government of Cantabria, the municipality of Cuenca and the Smart City Network (Red de Ciudades Inteligentes, RECI).
The Citizen Awards Association is an independent, non-profit association with the principal aim of underscoring the virtues of solidarity and values of responsible citizenship, raising social awareness of the necessity and importance of merits such as effort, dedication and commitment to the citizenry.
In the Smart Cities Award category, the awards aim to acknowledge the commitment of companies, projects and public administration entities devoted to development based on sustainability and adequately responding through technology to the basic needs of institutions, companies and city residents themselves.