Designers, developers and practitioners will gather together in SmartGreens, the next April in Porto, to discuss about Smart Cities or Green ICT Systems
Porto will house, this April, the 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, also known as SmartGreens. This summit, boosted by the INSTICC (Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication), has the aim on gathering together different professional profiles like designers, developers or practitioners interested in the advances and applications in the field of Smart Cities, Green Information and Communication Technologies, Sustainability, Energy Aware Systems and Technologies.
Workshops, special sessions, tutorials or demos will show the situation of this field during three intesive days that will also have time for presenting some European projects like the “European Project Space”.
Which areas will the summit deal with?
This year´s edition is focused in three big areas:
1 . Energy-Aware Systems and Technologies
2 . Sustainable Computing and Communications
3 . Smart Cities
This year´s edition will count on the presence of important actors like these:
Jeff Mccann, DELL, Ireland
Gerard Smit, University of Twente, Netherlands
João Barros, Veniam, Portugal
I´m interested, how can I join?
In the case you want to join this conference, just follow this link and full fill the form to sign up.