This conference, that comes back after its last edition, celebrated in Istanbul in 1996,has the aim of securing renewed political commitment for sustainable urban development, assesing accomplishments to date, addresing poverty and identifying and addressing new and emerging challenges for sustainable urban development
With the horizon of a changing urban population in our most close future, the Ecuadorian capital, Quito, will house the third edition of the UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development. This summit, that wants to remark the new urban agenda in a multi-local context, has as goal to encourage the global compromise with the sustainable urban development, that is the pending subject of the urban grow. This compromise, completely linked with the Smart Cities idea, desires to look back to the commitments took in the Istanbul summit, celebrated in 1996, and modify them acording to the actual needs.
The finished product of the III UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development will be a vision, and concise document focused, result – oriented action.
Dr. Joan Clos, the Secretary-General of the Habitat III Conference, talks about the Habitat III process in occasion of the Montreal Thematic Meeting
The New Urban Agenda
But, after all we´ve said, what is what they call “to rethink New Urban Agenda”
Rethinking the Urban Agenda is:
- Embracing urbanization at all levels of human settlements, more appropriate policies can embrace urbanization across physical space, bridging urban, peri-urban and rural areas, and assist governments in addressing challenges through national and local development policy frameworks.
- Integrating equity to the development agenda. Equity becomes an issue of social justice, ensures access to the public sphere, extends opportunities and increases the commons.
- Fostering national urban planning and planned city extensions.
- Deciding how relevant sustainable development goals will be supported through sustainable urbanization.
- Aligning and strengthening institutional arrangements with the substantive outcomes of Habitat III, so as to ensure effective delivery of the new Urban Agenda.